Top-KOL’s aan het hoofd van therapeutische adviesraden Synexus


Synexus heeft onlangs twee therapeutische adviesraden voor respiratoire en cardiale geneeskunde in het leven geroepen. Professor John Kastelein, professor in de Geneeskunde aan de afdeling Vasculaire Geneeskunde van het Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC) van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, is voorzitter van de cardiale adviesraad.

Professor Clive Page, directeur van het Sackler Instituut voor Pulmonale Farmacologie, is voorzitter van de respiratoire adviesraad. Professor Trevor Jones, CBE, lid van de raad van bestuur bij Synexus en verantwoordelijk voor de adviesraden, merkte op: ‘Wij zijn blij dat we samen kunnen werken met zulke vooraanstaande deskundigen. Klinisch onderzoek wordt steeds complexer omdat er tegenwoordig ook vaak biomarkers, diagnostiek en aanbrengsystemen aan te pas komen.” Volgens hem is het van groot belang dat Synexus zijn plaats in de voorhoede van deze ontwikkelingen behoudt.
Engelstalig bericht:

Top KOLs Head Synexus Therapeutic Advisory Boards

MANCHESTER, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– 20111206 —

Synexus has recently formed two therapeutic advisory boards in respiratory and cardiac medicine. Professor John Kastelein, who is Professor of Medicine at the Department of Vascular Medicine at the Academic Medical Center (AMC) of the University of Amsterdam, where he holds the Strategic Chair of Genetics of Cardiovascular Disease is chair of the cardiac board. Professor Clive Page, who is the Director of the Sackler Institute of Pulmonary Pharmacology and Joint Head of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Science at King’s College London, is chair of the respiratory board.

Professor Trevor Jones, CBE, board director at Synexus with overall responsibility for the advisory boards, commented: ‘We are delighted to be working with such eminent experts. Clinical trials are becoming increasingly complex as they often now include biomarkers, diagnostics and delivery systems. Synexus has a reputation for bringing new strategic approaches to the recruitment of patients into clinical trials and it is essential that Synexus stays at the forefront of these developments to ensure that our clinical trial services not only remain current but ahead of the curve.”

COPD and asthma was the focus of the first respiratory advisory board meeting which discussed current and relevant issues including new therapeutic targets, challenges in drug development and how to recruit patients and provide more information about participation in asthma and COPD clinical trials. Synexus are currently developing a patient specific asthma website as part of this initiative.

Dr Glynis Neagle Chief Medical Officer of Synexus noted, “There are numerous challenges facing drug developers who are pioneering new therapeutic indications in Respiratory Medicine including how to design studies with new agents in combination with current therapy and how best to assess the primary and secondary endpoints. Patients with asthma and COPD are very heterogenous populations and ensuring the correct patients are recruited and the optimal clinical outcomes included in the protocol are critical to the success of these studies. Through interaction with experts we can ensure that the Synexus team are completely up to date with current trends and thinking.”

Synexus has a solid track record of bringing a new and innovative approach to the market and these advisory boards reflect another aspect of that strategy as well as their ability to not only recognise but react to the ever changing clinical trials industry.

Redactie Medicalfacts / Alida Budding - Hennink

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