Radiotherapie bij borstkanker schadelijk voor het hart


Radiotherapie heeft waarde bij borstkanker, maar het voordeel blijkt een hoge prijs te hebben: hoog risico op ischemische hartziekte later. De toename van het risico was het grootst in de eerste 5 jaar na radiotherapie, en duurt De toename van het risico hield gedurende ten minste 2 decennia aan, zo vertelt Darby en zijn collega’s gemeld in de 14e maart nummer van het New England Journal of Medicine. Vrouwen met reeds bestaande cardiale risicofactoren hadden een grotere absolute toename van deze risico’s.
In een population-based case-control studie steeg het risico op belangrijke coronaire events na bestraling met een gemiddelde van 7,4% voor elke Gray (Gy) door blootstelling aan het hart, zonder duidelijke drempel, aldus Sarah Darby, PhD, van de Clinical Trial Service Unit in Oxford, Engeland, en collega’s.
radiotherapie borstkankerHet onderzoek – onder 2.168 overlevenden van borstkanker in Zweden en Denemarken – is een wake-up call voor artsen, aldus Jean-Bernard Durand, MD, van het MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

“We moeten extra alert zijn met vrouwen. We zorgen ervoor dat ze op de juiste medicijnen krijgen en wij zorgen ervoor dat ze borstkankerpatienten overleven.  Artsen doen er verstandig aan het risico op hartaandoeningen en tumorcontrole bij het nemen van beslissingen over het gebruik van radiotherapie voor borstkanker beter te overwegen,” aldus Darby en collega’s.

Durand merkte op dat in de VS, vrouwen zijn veel minder kansen hebben dan mannen op goede preventieve cardiovasculaire zorg . Ook dat zou moeten veranderen om het risico te beperken. Volg hun cholesterol, kijk uit voor diabetes, het hou de bloeddruk goed  in de gaten- al die dingen zorgen ervoor dat het risico van een cardiovasculair event  wordt verlaagd.
De studie toonde ook het belang van een goede post-kanker follow-up:

Radiotherapy for early-stage breast cancer has been shown to reduce both recurrence and death, the researchers noted, but the effect of incidental exposure to the heart has not been clear.

They looked at women with breast cancer who had radiotherapy between 1958 and 2001, including 963 women with major coronary events and 1,205 controls.

Case patients had no recurrence of the breast cancer or incidence of any other cancer before they suffered a major coronary event, defined as myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, or death from ischemic heart disease.

Controls were matched for country of residence, age at diagnosis, and year of diagnosis, and also had not had a recurrence of their breast cancer or any new malignancy.

Of the major coronary events among women in the study, 44% occurred less than 10 years after the breast cancer diagnosis, 33% occurred in the next decade, and the remaining 23% occurred still later.

The average dose to the heart was 6.6 Gy for women with left breast tumors, 2.9 Gy for those with cancer in the right breast, and 4.9 Gy overall.

While the rate of events rose by 7.4% per Gy of exposure, the rate varied with time — 16.3% in the first 5 years after exposure, 15.5% in the second 5 years, 1.2% in the second decade, and 8.2% in later years.

The only tumor characteristic that significantly affected the risk was location, as women with left breast tumors were more significantly likely to be case patients (P<0.001).

The rate ratio for women who had a history of ischemic heart disease, compared with those who did not, was 6.67 (95% CI from 4.37 to 10.18). Rate ratios were also elevated for women with other circulatory diseases, diabetes, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as smokers.

The researchers cautioned that few of the women in the study were under 40, so the results may not apply directly to that age group.

In an accompanying editorial in the journal, Javid Moslehi, MD, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston commented that the findings may be the “tip of the iceberg.”

“In addition to ischemic cardiac disease,” he wrote, “radiation therapy has been associated with other cardiac conditions, including pericardial disease, peripheral vascular disease, cardiomyopathy, valvular dysfunction, and arrhythmias.

Those diseases were not part of the study, nor were those associated with some forms of chemotherapy, he noted.

One implication for practice, he argued, is that the time to look at cardiovascular issues is at the time of breast cancer diagnosis and before treatment starts.

The study was supported by Cancer Research UK, the British Heart Foundation, the U.K. Medical Research Council, the European Commission, the U.K. Department of Health, the British Heart Foundation Centre for Research Excellence, and the Oxford National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre. The journal said no potential conflicts were reported.

Moslehi reported financial links with Novartis and Forest Laboratories.

Primary source: New England Journal of Medicine
Source reference:
Darby SC, et al “Risk of ischemic heart disease in women after radiotherapy for breast cancer” N Engl J Med 2013; 368: 987-998.

Additional source: New England Journal of Medicine
Source reference:
Moslehi J “The cardiovascular perils of cancer survivorship” N Engl J Med 2013; 368: 1055-1056.

Redactie Medicalfacts/ Janine Budding

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