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Apart ding wat op de Medica 2008 werd gepresenteerd door de Italiaans firma GlysBy. Een setje van pastelkleurige vaginale eieren. Volgens GlysBy de manier om incontinentie te voorkomen en je bekkenbodemspieren te trainen. Ja hoor…………………………….. Nou dit had GlysBy er zelf over te vertellen. “:

This set of Pelvic-Floor Training Aids comprises four tampon-shaped cones that differ in colour and weight:

Colour Weight: yellow 20g, blue 34g, green 50g, purple 68g

How do the Pelvic-Floor Training Aids work?
Exercising with Pelvic-Floor Training Aids helps us become aware of our pelvic floor and helps train the muscles of the pelvic floor. The cones work as follows:

If a cone is inserted into the vagina, it tends to slip out again. It is then prevented from slipping out by repeated muscular reflexes (“bio-feedback phenomenon”) and, throughout the course of exercising, by increasingly conscious muscular contractions. Drawing together and tensing the muscles of the pelvic floor trains and strengthens these muscles, similar to body building with weights. Exercising may thus at first give rise to sensations of pain in the pelvic area (muscular soreness). At the same time, however, awareness of the pelvic floor will be improved.

How to use the Pelvic-Floor Training Aids
The woman starts by testing the strength of her pelvic floor. This can be done by inserting the yellow (lightest) cone deep into the vagina (see illustration, comparable with inserting a tampon).
Should she be able to keep this cone in place for approx. 1 minute in a standing position, she may try the next heavier cone (green first, then blue and purple last). The cone that she can only just hold shows you how strong your pelvic floor is and she should start exercising with this cone.

The woman should exercise at least twice a day in a standing position or when walking. At the beginning she may only be able to hold the cone for a very brief period. The exercising time should be increased gradually until the cone with which you are exercising can be held for approx. 10 minutes per exercising session for several days in succession. Once this stage has been achieved, she may exercise with the next heavier cone.
It may be helpful to use lubricating gel when exercising with Pelvic-Floor Training Aids particularly in the event of vaginal dryness.

How does exercising success become apparent?
Upon regular exercise, the muscles of the pelvic floor will usually become considerably stronger after a mere few weeks. According to numerous clinical studies, atony of the bladder can thus be improved.

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Bron: Persbericht

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