DIA Conference onderzoekt status van registraties klinisch onderzoek


DIA Europe organiseert een congres getiteld Clinical Trial Registries Conference. Het congres wordt gehouden  op 23 en 24 mei in Basel, Zwitserland. Dit tweedaagse congres  op internationaal niveau behandelt de status van de registraties van klinisch onderzoek en biedt inzichten vanuit de autoriteiten die hierover gaan.

Deelnemers aan het congres krijgen ook gevalsstudies voorgeschoteld uit het bedrijfsleven en van academische instituten. De titels van de sessies luiden bijvoorbeeld: Clinical Trial Registries – Overview of Current Situation Worldwide: EU, US and WHO, Overview of National, Company and Emerging Registries, What Purpose Do Registries Serve? How Do We Measure Their Success?
Engelstalig bericht:

DIA Conference Explores the Status of Clinical Trial Registries Worldwide
BASEL, Switzerland

DIA in Europe will host the Clinical Trial Registries Conference from May 23-24in Basel, Switzerland.

This two-day conference will discuss the status of clinical trial registries worldwide and provide insight from the authorities that operate them. Participants will also hear case studies of real-life implementations from industry and academic institutions. Sessions include:

  • Clinical Trial Registries – Overview of Current Situation Worldwide: EU, US and WHO
  • Overview of National, Company and Emerging Registries
  • What Purpose Do Registries Serve? How Do We Measure Their Success?
  • Implementation of Registries in Practice and Technical Implementation
  • Impact of the Clinical Trial Disclosure on the Planning and Conduct of Clinical Trials
  • Publication of Results
  • What Is Beyond Clinical Trials Transparency?

A decade after the launch of the ClinicalTrials.gov database and, more recently, the EU Clinical Trials Register, an increasing number of questions have arisen, including:

  • How can sponsors ensure the consistency and traceability of all the information submitted to these various repositories?
  • How do they organise their processes to deliver the required information in time with limited resources?

“Many still question the purpose of multiple registries and even argue that the original purpose of facilitating patients’ access to clinical trials has not been met, while other suggest that industry and investors use the databases as competitive intelligence tools,” says Programme Chair Pierre-Yves Lastic, Senior Director, Data Privacy & Healthcare Interoperability Standards, sanofi-aventis, France. “This conference will convene a distinguished panel of speakers from academia, patients organisations and the pharmaceutical industry to explore the validity of these issues.”

Register for the Clinical Trial Registries Conference.

DIA is a neutral, global, professional, member-driven association of nearly 18,000 professionals involved in the discovery, development, and life cycle management of pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical devices, and related health care products. Through our international educational offerings and myriad networking opportunities, DIA provides a global forum for knowledge exchange that fosters the innovation of products, technologies, and services to improve health and well being worldwide. Headquarters are in Horsham, PA, USA, with offices in Basel, Switzerland, Tokyo, Japan, Mumbai, India, and Beijing, China. For more information visit: www.diahome.org.

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