125 nepbehandelingen tegen kanker


De Amerikaanse Food en Drug Administration (FDA) heeft op 17 juli een lijst gepubliceerd met 125 nepbehandelingen tegen kanker. 

Zij waarschuwt tegen frauduleuze claims waarbij naam en toenaam therapeuten en instellingen worden vermeldt. Het betreft vaak behandeling die via het internet worden aangeboden.

Gezondheidsfraude is een wrede vorm van hebzucht, fraude met die kankerbehandelingen zijn in het bijzonder daden van harteloze inhaligheid. De leugenachtige informatie kan ook nog eens heel snel via het internet verspreid worden en zo vele slachtoffers maken. " Iedereen wie aan kanker, lijdt of iemand kent wie, begrijpt de vrees en de wanhoop. De verleiding leiding om in wonderen te geloven is groot. En zo valt juist deze groep makkelijk te prooi aan oplichters. De geneesmiddelen en de hulpmiddelen om kanker te behandelen moeten FDA goedkeuring hebben, alvorens zij op de markt worden gebracht. Niettemin is 't altijd mogelijk om iemand die regels te omzeilen of te negeren. Dergelijke " behandelingen" komen in vele vormen, pillen, tonica, en veel gebakken lucht. 

Veel van deze frauduleuze kankerproducten lijken onschadelijk, maar kunnen indirect ook schade berokkenen, zij kunnen huidige effectief bewezen behandelingen inhiberen.

Lees de onderstaande aanbevelingen om dit soort nepbehandelingen te herkennen:

  • "Behandeling van alle soorten kanker met een middel of therpaie"
  • "huidkanker dat spontaan verdwijnt
  • "Door de therapie slinkt de tumor"
  • "niet- giftig"
  • "Je wordt er niet misselijk van"
  • "Vermijd pijnlijke operaties, radiotherapie, chemotherapie, of andere conventionele behandelingen"
  • "Behandeling van Niet-melanome huidkanker zonder littekens"

Lees verder de informatie die de FDA verstrekt en ook op Nederland van toepassing is 

Unproven 'Remedies,' False Promises

Coody cites black salves as one of the fake cancer "remedies" that indeed have proven to be harmful. "Although it is illegal to market these salves as a cancer treatment, they are readily available online," he says.

The salves are sold with false promises that they will cure cancer by "drawing out" the disease from beneath the skin. "However, there is no scientific evidence that black salves are effective," says Janet Woodcock, Director of FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER). "Even worse, black salves can cause direct harm to the patient."

The corrosive, oily salves "essentially burn off layers of the skin and surrounding normal tissue," says Woodcock. "This is not a simple, painless process. There are documented cases of these salves destroying large parts of people's skin and underlying tissue, leaving terrible scars."

Another unproven "remedy" that has been hawked for decades is an herbal regimen known as the Hoxsey Cancer Treatment. "FDA has taken regulatory and enforcement action against this discredited course of therapy beginning in the 1950s," says Coody.

"There is no scientific evidence that it has any value to treat cancer," he adds. "Yet consumers can go online right now and find all sorts of false claims that Hoxsey treatment is effective against the disease."

Red Flags

Coody says that firms engaged in cancer treatment or prevention fraud often use exaggerated and bogus claims to promote these products. He adds that consumers should recognize the following phrases as red flags:

  • "Treats all forms of cancer"
  • "Skin cancers disappear"
  • "Shrinks malignant tumors"
  • "Non-toxic"
  • "Doesn't make you sick"
  • "Avoid painful surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or other conventional treatments"
  • "Treat Non Melanoma Skin Cancers easily and safely"

"Unproven claims are also found in unverified testimonials, research results, or even in product and website names," says Coody. He offers important points that consumers seeking cancer treatments should keep in mind:

  • Always consult with your health care professional before starting a new treatment or adding one to existing therapies. "Some products may interact with your medicines or keep them from working the way they are supposed to," says Coody.
  • Understand the difference between fraudulent drug products and what FDA calls "investigational drugs." Investigational drugs undergo clinical testing to determine if they are safe and effective for their intended uses. Fraudulent products, on the other hand, are unapproved and typically have never been clinically tested or reviewed by FDA for safety and effectiveness. Marketing them is a violation of federal law.

"There are legal ways for patients to access investigational drugs," says Coody. "The most common way is by taking part in clinical trials. But patients can also receive investigational drugs outside of clinical trials in some cases." For more details on this, visit www.fda.gov/oashi/speedaccess.html.

Agencies Take Action

FDA and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), in collaboration with other North American government agencies, have announced a new initiative to prevent these deceptive products from reaching consumers. Coody says that as part of the joint campaign, FDA and FTC have sent approximately 135 warning letters and two advisory letters to firms that market these products online.

The initiative originated not only from consumer complaints, he says, but also from a Web surf for fraudulent cancer products by FDA and members of the Mexico-United States-Canada Health fraud working group (MUCH).

horizontal rule

Signs of Health Fraud

All consumers seeking information about any health product or medical treatment should be familiar with the following signs of health fraud:

  • Statements that the product is a quick and effective cure-all or a diagnostic tool for a wide variety of ailments.
  • Suggestions that a product can treat or cure serious or incurable diseases.
  • Claims such as "scientific breakthrough," "miraculous cure," "secret ingredient," and "ancient remedy."
  • Impressive-sounding terms, such as "hunger stimulation point" and "thermogenesis" for a weight loss product.
  • Claims that the product is safe because it is "natural."
  • Undocumented case histories or personal testimonials by consumers or doctors claiming amazing results.
  • Claims of limited availability and advance payment requirements.
  • Promises of no-risk, money-back guarantees.
  • Promises of an "easy" fix for problems like excess weight, hair loss, or impotency.

For More Information

FDA Press Release

FDA: Cracking Down on Health Fraud

FDA's Cancer Liaison Program

National Cancer Institute: Clinical Trials

Competition Bureau Canada’s Project False Hope

On the FDA page:

Additional FDA Resources:

Allemaal onzin natuurlijk, zegt de FDA, die kennelijk niet bang is dat ze een proces aan de broek krijgt.        

Redactie Medicalfacts/ Janine Budding

Ik heb mij gespecialiseerd in interactief nieuws voor zorgverleners, zodat zorgverleners elke dag weer op de hoogte zijn van het nieuws wat voor hen relevant kan zijn. Zowel lekennieuws als nieuws specifiek voor zorgverleners en voorschrijvers. Social Media, Womens Health, Patient advocacy, patient empowerment, personalized medicine & Zorg 2.0 en het sociaal domein zijn voor mij speerpunten om extra aandacht aan te besteden.

Ik studeerde fysiotherapie en Health Care bedrijfskunde. Daarnaast ben ik geregistreerd Onafhankelijk cliëntondersteuner en mantelzorgmakelaar. Ik heb veel ervaring in diverse functies in de zorg, het sociaal domein en medische-, farmaceutische industrie, nationaal en internationaal. En heb brede medische kennis van de meeste specialismen in de zorg. En van de zorgwetten waaruit de zorg wordt geregeld en gefinancierd. Ik ga jaarlijks naar de meeste toonaangevende medisch congressen in Europa en Amerika om mijn kennis up-to-date te houden en bij te blijven op de laatste ontwikkelingen en innovaties. Momenteel ben doe ik een Master toegepaste psychologie.

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