Indiase ecologie-kwakzalver Palaniappan: Van masturberen en homoseksualiteit krijg H1N1


dr-palani2Eens in de zoveel tijd duikt er een nieuwe theorie op over het ontstaan van de Mexicaanse griep. Na de complot-theorie van Désîré Rövêr Maleisie doet er een schepje bovenop. Het nieuwe influenza A H1N1 wordt aangewakkerd door homoseksualiteit en masturbatie. Dat zegt dokter V. M. Palaniappan van de Universiteit van Maleisie.

Even kleine zelfintroductie van dr. Palaniappan: Dr.V.M Palaniappan,Ph.D.,who has been a practising ecologist and an academician in the University of Malaya for a very long time, has come up with a completely new alternative medicine. Dr.Palani, for that is how he is known among his colleagues, students and patients, has developed a holistic therapy system, and he has named it “The Ecolocical Healing System”. Since 1994, after his retirement from UM as Associate Professor of Ecology Faculty, Dr.Palani has been keeping himself fully occupied with (a) Conducting Group Therapy Sessions for the Sick and Needy,(b) Writing Scientific Articles & Health Care Books.

Dokter Palaniappan doceert hij ecologie. Volgens de hoogleraar zorgt homoseksualiteit en masturberen ervoor dat het lichaam extra kwetsbaar wordt voor het gevreesde griepvirus. Inmiddels heeft Palaniappan de gewraakte passages verwijderd. Maar hij schreef:

Another noteworthy point is that men should avoid dry masturbation. This is one of the preventive measures against H1N1 disease.Homosexual relations are even more dangerous, whereas sexual union between members of opposite sex is absolutely safe.
With very few exceptions, most men, irrespective of their marital status and age, masturbate on and off. Boys tend to do that often, whereas it is extremely rare among females of all age groups.

When one masturbates, or indulges in homosexual activity, his (her) body develops friction heat, and that produces acid, making the body hyperacidosed, giving burning sensation while urinating and toileting, and making the person an easy target for H1N1 infection.

“Oftewel: Masturberen en homoseksualiteit veroorzaakt wrijving waarbij een zuur vrijkomt dat het lichaam van binnen vergiftigt. Het zieke lichaam is extra kwetsbaar voor H1N1.”

One thought on "Indiase ecologie-kwakzalver Palaniappan: Van masturberen en homoseksualiteit krijg H1N1"

  1. the H1N1 or Swine Flu Virus is very scary at first but now it is well controlled by vaccines and prevention by avoiding going into places with incidence of swine flu.

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