“Dit nooit meer” vertaald in het Engels


Tijdens het 16de International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2011, van 5 t/m 8 april in de Amsterdamse Rai, wordt de Engelse vertaling van “Dit nooit meer” gepresenteerd: “When Healthcare Hurts”. In het boek vertellen twaalf vooraanstaande Nederlandse artsen over hun incident. Eind 2009 kreeg deze openheid veel lof en aandacht in de Nederlandse media. Het boek wordt nu wereldwijd uitgebracht om de kwetsbaarheid en feilbaarheid van zorgverleners ook in andere landen onder de aandacht te brengen.

When healthcare Hurts
Any doctor can make a mistake, get a complaint or be involved in an incident. Several impressive, personal stories are now collected in the book “When Healthcare Hurts. Doctors share their darkest hours”.

In the book, some well-established Dutch physicians tell about their medical errors, where they are not proud of, but that is an inherent part of their professionalism. They talk openly about how they handled their mistakes and how they have experienced its effects. They hope to contribute to a culture in which it is normal to talk constructively with each other about the darker side of healthcare, about the vulnerability and fallibility of health care providers. Openness as a medication, a form of acute care in a medical emergency.

The book was originally published in Dutch (late 2009) and fits in the line to improve patient safety in the Netherlands. Openness about medical incidents is essential towards a safer patient care, because openness leads to an understanding of how errors can be avoided next time. Openness also helps in processing the emotions with which the doctor and the patient or his immediate family may face and subsequently contributes to creating a culture where it is normal for caregivers to talk about fallibility.

When Healthcare Hurts is written by freelance journalist Matthijs Buikema and produced in cooperation with the physicians Harry Molendijk (Centre for Patient Safety of the Isala Clinics, Zwolle) and Ian Leistikow (Patient Safety Center of the UMC Utrecht). The book will be presented at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2011, which is in Amsterdam on April 5-8th.

The book will be available on www.amazon.com soon.

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