Synexus vordert gestaag met recordaantal nieuwe contracten


Synexus is er stellig van overtuigd dat het dit jaar alle records zal breken met het aantal afgesloten nieuwe contracten. De onderneming heeft het therapeutisch aanbod voor internationale farmaceutische klanten en CRO’s uitgebreid en de raad van bestuur verder versterkt. Het in het Verenigd Koninkrijk gevestigde Synexus is de grootste multinational ter wereld die zich richt op de werving van patienten voor klinisch onderzoek in speciaal daarvoor ingerichte centra over de hele wereld.

Synexus heeft flink geïnvesteerd om te waarborgen dat in het managementteam en het bestuur een aantal van de meest gerespecteerde experts uit de sector zitting hebben.
Engelstalig bericht:

Synexus Forges Ahead with Record New Business Signings, Expanded Therapeutic Offerings and a Strengthened Board

MANCHESTER, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– 20111003 —

Synexus, which confidently expects to sign a record amount of new business this year, has expanded its therapeutic offering to its global pharma and CROs clients and further strengthened its board. UK based Synexus is the largest multinational organisation dedicated to the recruitment of patients and running of clinical trials at its own Dedicated Research Centres across the world.

Christophe Berthoux, CEO, who has just completed his first year said: “Synexus has a reputation for leading the industry. In order to keep pace with this reputation we work hard to ensure we stay abreast of market changes and have developed a number of new offerings. We broadened our therapeutic offering into CNS and ophthalmology and conditions such as asthma and COPD and have combined this with our extended geographical reach and the delivery of quality data on time. This is a very powerful offering which is aligned to the increased outsourcing trend being witnessed in the pharma industry.”

Synexus has made significant investment in ensuring its management team and board comprises some of the industry’s most respected experts. In line with this policy Synexus has announced that Alan Pilgrim will join the Board as Chairman. Alan has extensive healthcare experience, having recently retired as CEO of Europe’s largest diagnostic imaging services company, Alliance Medical.

Professor Trevor Jones, CBE, who has been chairman of Synexus since 2007, has guided the company through significant changes which saw it more than double its turnover and increase its number of Dedicated Research Centres to 26 across nine countries. Trevor remains on the Board becoming President of the Synexus Scientific Advisory Boards. These advisory boards focus on the development of the Synexus model and are comprised of world leading specialists across a variety of therapeutic areas.

Andrew Aylwin, who is one of two Synexus directors from majority shareholder Lyceum Capital commented, “I welcome the changes Synexus is making. Christophe and his team have some exciting plans for the future. We, at Lyceum, are committed to further supporting these changes and being part of a business which is shaping the future of the industry. Synexus has huge potential and we look forward to helping them realise that over the next few years.”

Redactie Medicalfacts / Alida Budding - Hennink

Samen met mijn dochter Janine Budding verzorg ik dagelijks het online medisch nieuws voor zorgverleners, zodat zorgverleners elke dag weer op de hoogte zijn van het nieuws wat voor hen relevant is. De rol en beleving van patiënt & Healthy Ageing, zijn voor mij speerpunten om extra aandacht aan te besteden.

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