Medimetrics IntelliCap: extern bestuurbare pil voor gerichte medicatie en diagnose


Een pil die de medicatie precies op de goede plaats afgelevert in de darmen. Nederlandse artsen hebben goede resultaten geboekt met extern bestuurbare pil. De eerste testresultaten werden dinsdag bekendgemaakt op de UEG in Amsterdam gepresenteerd.

De pil is 2,5 bij 1 centimeter. De capsule bevat ook een draadloze ontvanger, een ingebouwde elektromotor en een zuiger die het geneesmiddel naar buiten spuit. De onderzoekers verwachten dat de voorgeprogrammeerde pil in de toekomst behandelingen van maag- en darmziekten kan verbeteren. De pil is een innovatie van Medimetrics.

‘Imaging solutions in drug delivery’
Experts in scintigraphic clinical trials on drug delivery systems
Strategic formulation development requires reliable early stage in vivo data. Bio-Images Research provides this data to the global pharmaceutical industry, by using gamma scintigraphy to assess formulation behaviour in man.

As part of the Bio-Images Group, we work closely with our sister company, Drug Delivery International, who provide complementary expertise in formulation development. Together, we provide an invaluable integrated service for early stage decision making on drug delivery strategies.

Medimetrics IntelliCap
Medimetrics is the pioneer and global leader in electronic oral drug delivery. The company has created the IntelliCap system – the world’s first intelligent oral drug delivery and monitoring system. This flagship product is used to provice services and technology access to companies exploring controlled delivery and measurement of body conditions within the gastro-intestinal tract.

Whether it’s in the development of orally administered pharmaceutical drugs, functional foods, or other active ingredients, site absorption studies in the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract are an important part of evaluating their effectiveness. The IntelliCap system enables repeatable assessment of candidate performance to be organized and completed quickly with a minimum of preparation.

Beyond site absorption studies, an electronic measurement and delivery capsule opens up a wide range of opportunities for use in areas ranging from discovery to therapuetic delivery.

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