Brits medisch blognieuws (Britmeds)


NHS Blog Doctor is in november 2006 begonnen met het maken van een overzicht van Britse medische blognieuws. Hij noemt dit Britmeds.

This is not meant to compete with or replace well-established colonial institutions such as Grand Rounds and Change of Shift. Call Dr Crippen a chauvinist if you like, but this round-up will be strictly British. Otherwise, the criteria will be relaxed. British blogs written by anyone working in healthcare or anyone receiving health care in this country.

Inmiddels is hij bij aflevering 4 van 2007. Aflevering 1, 2 en 3 zijn natuurlijk op NHS Blog Doctor te (her)lezen.

I am going to call the round-up “The Brit Meds”. It will be published every Sunday. Please send your recommendations of any British medically related writing that you feel deserves a wider audience to: “”

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