Vraag 3: Hoe ontwikkelt de vorm van onze planeet zich in de toekomst?


Vraag 3: Hoe ontwikkelt de vorm van onze planeet zich in de toekomst?

Poll: Vraag 3


2 thoughts on "Vraag 3: Hoe ontwikkelt de vorm van onze planeet zich in de toekomst?"

  1. Does the earth change its shape?
    As for the causes of the phenomena during BC3500-3000 shown in the section 1.1, the author is curious about the change of the earth’s shape. Its radius at the equator is 6378 km, which is about 20 km longer than that of the pole. This is called as the earth’s ellipsoid. It is caused by the centrifugal force created by the rotation of the earth. The author thinks that the earth changes its shape between sphere and ellipsoid time to time, by the following possible reasons
    – Self oscillation of the mantle/crust,

    – The rotation speed of the earth changes, which alters flatness,

    – Connection force of core-mantle changes, which alters shape of mantle/crust structure.

    In the transition between the two states, the following changes may happen.

    When the earth (or the mantle) changes its shape from the flattened to sphere, then there are rises of land at high latitudes and sinking of lands at low latitudes. If the change occurs largely, then there may be eruptions at the high latitudes due to increased pressure of magma from below. At the same time, the low latitudes sink, allowing entering of water into lands, or flood.
    Note;The actual change may not be uniform as shown, due to the difference of mass and structural strength of each region.

    On the other hand, when the earth changes its shape from the sphere to the flattened, then there is sinking of lands at high latitudes and rising of lands at low latitudes. If the changes occur largely, then the high latitudes sink, allowing entering of water into land, or flood, at the same time, there may be eruptions at the low latitudes due to increased pressure of magma from below.

    2.5 Conclusion
    The author thinks that

    * The shape of the earth oscillates between sphere and ellipsoid. 

    For details, under consideration.

    Bron: http://www22.ocn.ne.jp/~p-inpaku/flood/index.htm
    Volgens deze dron zou het dus c zijn

  2. Redactie Medicalfacts/Janine Budding

    Het juiste antwoord is A. Door de wisselwerking tussen aarde en maan gaat de maan steeds verder weg staan. Tegelijkertijd gaat de aarde steeds langzamer draaien. Daardoor wordt de middelpuntvliedende kracht aan de evenaar steeds minder en zal de aarde steeds meer een perfecte bolvorm benaderen. Dat alles duurt wel miljarden jaren.

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